Thursday, March 15, 2012

March Limericks

St. Patrick’s Day is often associated with limericks, a style of poetry popularized by Edward Lear in the 19th century. Limericks aren't Irish, but there is a Limerick county in Ireland where limericks gain fame. These nonsensensical poems are a fun way for students to celebrate the season.  Students wrote their own limericks after hearing this catchy tune several times; many times. Actually, I-can't-get-it out-of my-head times!
Flip through the slideshow for a preview of student limericks. Check out the complete works on the bulletin board outside Room 102.

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't able to read your limericks on my computer for some reason, but I remember limericks being my favorite kind of poem when I was in school. Hope you all enjoyed writing them, too!
