Today we completed our first version of Genius
Hour! Genius Hour is based upon Google’s 20% policy. This policy says that with
20% of the time, employees can work on whatever project they would like as long
as it advances the company in some way.
The question arose, if such amazing things were made
during Google’s 20% time, just what could students come up with if given a
chance to work on a project that interested them?
For several weeks Room 102 was
given time in study hall to explore their interests. The projects ranged anywhere from exploring the art of painting to building a telescope to duct tape art to seeing the world through a bug's eye to applying a chef’s eye to the notion of flavorful cooking.
The results were absolutely incredible! The kids were so excited and student engagement was at its highest. I am so very proud of the work students completed for Genius Hour. Hopefully during the summer, students will continue to explore their project and learn even more new skills.
Check out our slideshow of Genius Hour projects.
You may read more about the Genius Hour Project in Room 102 by clicking here.