Friday, April 11, 2014

Our Poet-Tree

Our Poet-Tree

Each year the month of April is set aside as National Poetry Month, a time to celebrate poets and their craft. Room 100 will celebrate National Poetry Month with a poetry slam. A traditional poetry slam is a contest in which poets recite poems in front of an audience, usually in a public performance space such as a café, and a panel of judges rates the performances by giving them numerical  scores.
Students have selected poems and they are settling in on discussions of rhythm, consonance, metaphors, and imagery. They are coaching each other to stand alone in front of their peers and recite poetry, using voice and gesture to bring their words to life. 
We're going to showcase our talented middle school students. 

Students will step up to the microphone on April 22
In preparation for our poetry slam, students are transforming our classroom into a coffeehouse. Today everyone's poem was hung on the classroom Poet-Tree.

A little poem will sing to you
A little picture bring to you
A dozen dreams to dance to you
With a poem kept in your head. 

~By Beatrice Schenk de Regniers

Happy Poetry Month!

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